When You Join Our Practice, You’ll be Part of the Coin Club!
We have developed a motivational system to encourage and reward good patient compliance during orthodontic treatment. We believe that patients should be recognized for the good things they do that contribute to the orthodontic treatment progress and the finished result. To help encourage our patients, we have instituted a Conlon Thompson Orthodontic Coin Club. At each scheduled appointment, any patient in active treatment can receive a maximum of 5 Conlon Thompson Orthodontic Coins.
The Program Encourages Patients by Giving 1 “Coin” for Each of the Following:
- 1 Coin – Be on time for appointment
- 1 Coin – Brush teeth and appliances
- 1 Coin – No loose brackets/attachments, wearing elastics and appliances as prescribed
- 1 Coin – Wearing a Conlon Thompson Orthodontic T-Shirt
- 1 Coin – Don’t miss appointments
- 5 Coins = total coins possible each appointment
These coins can be collected and then redeemed for various gift certificates. A display of gift-certificate options is posted in our office.